Believe it—you're headed to grad school
GRE Prep 2024 For Dummies prepares you with the tools and test-taking strategies you need to score your highest on the Graduate Record Examination and begin your post-college journey. You'll find everything you need to know about the test itself—what's on it, how much time you have, and what to do when you run into stuff you don't know. Review detailed content information, then practice, practice, practice—with over 400 flashcards and 6 full-length practice exams. Plus, you'll have access to detailed study plans to help you manage your time wisely, even if test day is coming up sooner than you might hope. Don't worry, this Dummies guide will help you rock it on test day.
GRE Prep 2024 For Dummies is your ticket to a higher score on this year's test.